Jaroslav Kalous
E-mail: jaroslav.kalous@gmail.com
1. Family name: Kalous
2. First names: Jaroslav
3. Date of birth: 15 May 1949
4. Nationality: Czech
5. Civil status: Divorced
6. Education
Institution from – to |
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: |
Charles University, Prague 1992-1996 |
PhD Education, doctor theses "Education policy and its actors in democratic society" |
Canadian Bureau for International Education, awarded 1991 |
Certificate, Management of Change |
Charles University, Prague 1967-1972 |
MA Theoretical Cybernetics |
7. Language skills: (indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 – excellent, 5 - basic)
Language |
Reading |
Speaking |
Writing |
Czech |
1 |
1 |
1 |
English |
1 |
1 |
1 |
French |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Russian |
1 |
1 |
2 |
8. Membership of professional bodies:
IMD World Competitiveness Yearbook Panel of Experts
INEI – International Network for Educational Improvement, Hong Kong
ENIRDELM – European Network for Innovations, Research and Development of Educational Leadership and Management
Managing Global Transitions. International Research Journal (Editorial Board)
Czech Association of the Club of Rome (Board)
Czech Association of Educational Research
9. Other skills: Computer literacy, mathematical statistics, research and teaching
10. Present position: International Consultant, Associate Professor of Education at the Charles University, Prague
11. Years of professional experience: 30 years
12. Key Qualifications:
· 15 years of cooperation with ETF on different aspect of HRD in different countries
· 18 years of experience in conducting education monitoring and evaluations (Albania, BiH, Czech Rep., Latvia, Turkmenistan, Ukraine)
· 30 years of professional experience in different areas of public education sector - from research and teaching to service in administration and policy advice on national (Adviser to Minister of Education CR) and international level (Deputy Director for Education, Culture and Sport, Council of Europe)
· Thorough understanding of challenges of HRD (regular participation in different evaluation teams – work for EC, OECD, ETF, WB etc.)
· Knowledge of EC procedures and evaluation methodology, proven record of conducing complex analyses and comparative studies
· International trainer on education policy reform, such as course organized by the World Bank Institute for civil servants from the Former Soviet Union countries or training of Ministers of Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina
· Author of about one hundred publications on education, for example chief editor of three volumes Educational Policy
13. Specific experience (in Non-EU-member-countries):
Country |
Turkmenistan |
2011-2012 |
Ukraine |
2006-2008 |
Belorussia |
2008 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
2004-2005 |
Western Balkan |
2003-2004 |
Albania |
2002-2003 |
Latvia |
2000-2001 |
14. Professional experience:
Date: |
Location: |
Company: |
Position: |
Description: |
2000-to date |
Czech Rep. |
Charles University |
Associate Professor |
Department of Public and Social Policy and Centre for Educational Management. Research on public policy, lectures on education policy and management. |
2013 |
Czech Rep. |
EC (WYG) |
Short Term Senior Expert |
Further Improvement of the Quality and Relevance of Professional Education System - Turkmenistan |
2012 - 2013 |
Czech Rep. |
EC (IBF) |
Quality Controller |
Evaluation of EU Assistance to European Humanities University |
2011 - 2012 |
Turkmenistan |
EC (IBF) |
Expert in Education Reform Management |
Project „Support to Modernisation of the Education System in Turkmenistan“. Responsible for comparative analysis of education, strategy development, capacity building and Quality Assurance |
2011 |
Czech Rep. |
EC (PPMI Lithuania) |
Expert in Education and Economics |
Project „Financing training in Europe“ |
2010 |
Czech Rep. |
EC (PPMI Lithuania) |
Expert in Programme Evaluation |
Interim evaluation of the Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2009 |
2009 -2010 |
Czech Rep. |
Expert in Education and Economics |
“National economic competitiveness and education policies and strategies in selected EU and ETF partner countries” (Ireland, Finland, Czech Rep., Ukraine, Armenia, Egypt) |
2008- 2009 |
Czech Rep. |
Ministry of Education CR |
Member of Expert Group |
Evaluation of National Programme of Education CR and preparation of new education strategy |
2007 – 2008 |
Ukraine |
Expert in Education Governance |
2008 |
Ukraine |
Education Specialist |
Series of workshops “European alternative for Eastern Ukraine” |
2008 |
Belarussia |
Education Specialist |
Series of workshops “European alternative for Belorussia” |
2008 |
Ukraine |
World Bank Institute |
Trainer |
“Education Policy Reform: Regional Responses to Global Challenges”. Course for civil servants from Former Soviet Union |
2006-2007 |
Ukraine |
EC (Cambridge Education) |
Long-term Teacher Development Expert |
2004-2005 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
EC (IBF and British Council) |
Public Administration Expert |
2004 |
Czech Rep. |
Contributor |
2003- 2004 |
Western Balkans |
EC (Arcadis) |
Team Leader |
Project “Public Administration Reform Capacity-Building in the SAP Countries”. Feasibility Study on SHEPAR - School for Higher Education on Public Administration Reform. Evaluation of public administration reforms in four countries, complete proposal for a new regional institution. https://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/37/5/37969472.pdf. |
2003 |
Czech Rep. |
Contributor |
Human Development Report: The Czech Republic 2003 |
2002- 2003 |
Albania |
Head of Publication Team |
Elaboration of comprehensive education reform strategy for Albanian VET. Evaluation of recent progress in VET policy development including in-depth review of 6 key areas: legislation, governance, financing, curriculum, teacher training, social partnership. Operational conclusions and recommendations for policy-makers https://www.aeneaswarm.org/downloads/UNPAVocationalTrainingAlbania.pdf |
2001 |
Latvia |
ETF (FTP International) |
Evaluation Expert |
Final evaluation of the EU Phare programme VET 2000 including institutional audit, reorganisation and training for the staff of MOES |
2000 |
Latvia |
ETF (FTP International) |
Team Leader |
1999- 2000 |
Czech Rep. |
Team Leader |
1997-1999 |
France |
Council of Europe |
Deputy Director for Education, Culture and Sport |
Managed about 30 multilateral and bilateral projects around Europe especially in the new member countries – Central and Eastern Europe. Financial management, supervision of 140 subordinates; Meetings and negotiations on intergovernmental co-operation with governmental representatives all over the Europe (Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Ambassadors etc). Daily chairing of multinational committees of experts. |
1997 |
Czech Rep. |
EC |
Team Leader |
Management Training in Education with a University Degree. Feasibility study. Founder of 6-semesters university course entitled "Educational Management" tailored to needs of top education administration staff from MOE, Inspectorate, School District Offices and principals of primary and secondary schools. |
1996-1999 |
Czech Rep. |
National Team Leader |
IEA Civic Education Project: international comparative research across 24 countries https://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/17/9f/8f.pdf |
1996-1997 |
Czech Rep. |
National Team Leader |
Monitoring and evaluation of VET reform strategy. Coordination of 50 people working in 7 groups covering all aspects of VET reform resulting in publication with P. Grootings “From Pilot Schools to Reform Strategy” https://www.eric.ed.gov/ERICDocs/data/ericdocs2sql/content_storage_01/0000019b/80/15/95/50.pdf |
1995-1996 |
Czech Rep. |
Contributor |
OECD Reviews of National Policies for Education: Czech Republic |
1993-1994 |
Czech Rep. |
Team Leader |
“Renewal of Education System of Czech Republic”. Analytical evaluation study with recommendations. |
1992-1997 |
Czech Rep. |
Institute for Research and Development of Education |
Director and Associate Professor |
Financial management of semi-independent university institute. Supervision of 30 staff members. Fund-raising, planning and management of many projects. Different international co-operations, frequent travel around Europe, 8 times USA. Moderator of regular Round Tables on »Hot issues of educational policy” with participation of all different education stakeholders, experts, politicians and media for five years. |
1991-1992 |
Czech Rep. |
Hobéon |
Expert |
1990-1992 |
Czech Rep. |
Ministry of Education CR |
Adviser of Minister |
1989-1990 |
Czech Rep. |
Civic Forum Education Committee |
Chairman |
One of 15 members Board of Civic Forum – the key political body of the transitional phase. Co-ordination of some fifty new educational initiatives. Negotiation and facilitation of dialog between them and old regime staff of MOE. Preparation and implementation of educational reforms after Velvet Revolution CR |
15. Other relevant information: About 100 professional publications
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